Journey to our Children

"If you can'?" said Jesus,"EVERYTHING is possible for him who believes." Mark 9:23


Hi everyone! I must say this has been a very hard week in some ways and awesome in others. Well we found out that even though the recommendation board decided for the termination of rights immediately, DSS will not seek to terminate until Donavan is 1 year old. That will be 7months. In the mean time we will on pins and needles because that still allows time for a family member to step in. Please keep us in your prayers. Donavan only knows us as his parents so at this point in his life it would be detrimental. This isn't even talking about Darrin and I. On a lighter note Darrin has been in Penn. since Sunday. He is flying in tonight and we have to go pick him up. He went up for an instructor's and master installation course which in turns also makes him a consultant. It was extremely hard for him. They went through 26 chapters in the first 2 days. He probably got all of 15 hrs sleep for the entire week. God did it though! He had to score above 90%. He made a 96% on his test today!! Well Zack is doing great. He is officially 12years old now! He really was relieved to know he would be with us until at least the summer if not longer.

Love you all for your encouragement and support!!! Thank you so much!!


Well today has been trully exhausting and amazing. We went to the Review Board today in reference to Donavan. We were praying they would do a concurrent plan which means while the initial is reunification the Secondary is adoption. That would allow us to start the adoption process while in the waiting mode. Originally a child has to be in DSS care 15 months before they can legally have a biological parents rights terminated. However this is what our AWESOME GOD DID!! After all testimony was given at the hearing we were then addressed. We gave in detail of Donavan's wellbeing and devolpement. Then we informed them we were already approved through Region 3 Adoptions at DSS. We informed them of our Adoption worker's name and that we had all placements stopped. We explained we wanted to adopt Donavan as soon as he became legally free. At this point they asked us to step out. Aproximately 1 minute later we were asked to come back in for their official recommendation. Here it is: They recommended parental rights to be immediately terminated with no treatment plan allowance and for Donavan to become legally free as soon as possible for us to adopt!!!!!!!(this is very rarely ever done)

To God be all the glory
Now the next step is DSS has to petition a family court date to get a judge's approval of the recommendation to terminate rights since it is before the 15 months and an adoption refferal will be done and us start preliminary process for adoption. So the next significant date for us will be the Family Court date!!! It is up to the judge to say ok and terminate!!

Well this is about it for right now. Thank all of you for your love, prayers, and support!



Well we actually started this journey February 2005. This is when we received a packet in the mail for no reason with pictures of children in the state system in need of adopted families. Now I will say that two days prior, my husband and I saw a billboard with a child's picture needing a forever family; this is what God used to spark the interest. That is when Darrin and I started discussing in extent about adoption. We spent alot of days together in prayer and seeking Gods confirmation. We did not want to walk into something just based on an emotion that would change. We needed to know this was God's purpose for us. We are unable to have children of our own; and honestly up to this point we were very content in our marriage. Then God decided this was the path He wanted us on. March of 2005 we contacted our local Department of Social Services and requested information. We had our application,fingerprints, references, pictures, along with background information finally turned in by May of 2005. So we have been on this journey for over 3 years. Now I must say 8 months was spent in building a house due to the trailer we lived in just would not pass all the fire codes. I must say God has taught us a great deal through this process. We have learned so much from the people God has put in our path to help us, encourage us, and pray for us. Most of all Darrin and I have become much more dependant on the Lord Jesus. It can be very discouraging at times than at others it can be the most rewarding thing you could experience. My husband has said we have been pregnant waiting on our children for such a long time that as they walk through our door for the first time we are not going to know how to act!

Meet our Dogs

Meet our Dogs:

The Black Dog is Cole. I guess you could say he is the lead.
The Brown Dog is Duke. I guess you could say he is the loyal but not very smart one.

Then there is LITTLE BIT. Yes you guessed it; she is the one under the covers on the couch. From her point of view she does not believe she is a dog.

Cole and Duke

Cole and Duke

Little Bit

Little Bit